Friday, March 17, 2006

One year ago...Carla Sauer Iyer speaks up for Terri

Carla Sauer Iyer was prepared to speak out about what happened when she was a nurse at Palm Gardens nursing home where she had a role in caring for Terri Schindler-Schiavo, prior to Felos acting illegally and getting Terri admitted to Woodside Hospice where eventually Terri was murdered by her feckless, adulterous and wife abusing husband. One year on it is worth reading again the testimony of Carla, because it remains as an indictment against all of the people who turned their backs on Terri and the Schindlers in the pursuit of this woman's death in order to bring about euthanasia on demand.

There are many who claim that it is not true that Michael Schiavo is a wife abuser, well I beg to differ from such an opinion. There are several ways to abuse a person: physical, mental and sexual. Sometimes all three forms of abuse go hand in hand, but they are truly separate and distinct and I believe that at the very least Michael Schiavo is guilty of the mental or psychological abuse of Terri Schindler-Schiavo. Most people think that one must see signs of bruising or scratches, or welts from a strap or other implement to have proof of physical abuse, and again this is not true. It has been established that a large portion of the cases relating to women who have been physically abused by their spouses, or lovers, do not make it to court because the police who dealt with the cases did not know how to detect signs of attempted strangulation. Not all cases of attempted strangulation are obvious to the naked eye, for there are ways of attempting to strangle a person that leaves almost no markings. This is probably what happened in the Schiavo case.

However, there are other signs that indicate that the relationship between Michael Schiavo and his late wife Theresa Marie Schindler was one that was abusive. First, there is the evidence of one of Terri's friends and workmate, that Michael used to check the number of kilometres on the car. This kind of thing is a sure sign of an abusive husband, that is one who attempts to exert power over his wife in extraordinary ways. Second, this same person had remarked upon the fact that there were times when Terri came to work and her arms were covered in bruises. This is a point that was glossed over by the MSM who have flat out refused to look at this case as one that involved spousal abuse. Third, there is Michael's determination that his late wife must suffer from a tortuous death that he wished upon her, and something that was not her choice. This is the height of an abusive relationship, when one sees the projection of one's own thoughts and attitudes upon others.

Carla's testimony, even a year after I first read what she had to say about Michael Schiavo and the manner in which he dominated the care of this wife, remains an indictment against Michael Schiavo. Her testimony outlines yet another way in which Michael Schiavo continued to abuse his wife even though she was lying helplessly on a bed. His refusal to allow her to have therapy of any nature is an indictment against Schiavo. It is abusive because Terri was denied the opportunity to progress to the best of her potential after serious brain injury. Carla testifies that Michael Schiavo was menacing towards staff, including in his body language. He apparently did a lot of yelling at the staff in the nursing home, and a number of staff members were afraid of him. Even here, one can see this translated to the domestic front, where no doubt endured these slanging matches from a husband who definitely had some form of mental problem.

The worst form of abuse that Terri endured was the isolation from society that was forced upon her by the adulterous husband. The manner in which he controlled the visitors' list at the nursing homes, as wel as the hospice, including the refusal to allow Terri's own family to visit further enforces the proof that Michael Schiavo was a wife abuser, and as such he should have been prosecuted for the abuse of his wife.

Unfortunately, not one person who had the authority to act in this case was prepared to cooperate with the Schindlers in order to have Terri released from her daily terror that lasted 15 years. In the end, not only is Michael Schiavo liable for the court sanctioned murder of his wife, but all of those people who were complicit in the plot to make sure that Terri died so that they could push euthanasia on demand, are also liable for this woman's unnecessary death. Terri did not want to die, but her feelings were covered up because of the snow job and the mystique that surrounded her condition - a mystique that was created by a low life lawyer who should also be put in prison because of his role in pursuing Terri's death.

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