Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Right to choose abortion = Right to euthanasia

Do you remember the days when induced abortion was illegal? In those days the women marched in the streets demanding the right to kill their unborn children. At that time abortion doctors such as the Australian Bertram Wainer were charged with the crime of procuring abortion. Then the courts intervened so that unborn babies are no longer protected by the law. The ride down the slippery slope had begun.

Once the way was opened to "legal" abortion on demand, the culture of death began in earnest its plan to decimate life. Mothers-to-be over the age of 30 and under the age of 16 have been placed under intense pressure as to whether or not they should continue with their pregnancies. Older mothers were convinced that they should have the risky amniocentesis test to ensure that the infant in the womb did not carry the gene for Down's Syndrome. Younger mothers-to-be were told that they ran certain risks if they continued with the pregnancy. However, the risk of mental illness as a result of not having the child, plus a higher risk for breast cancer and other cancers were never explained to these women. Instead they were invited to kill their infants in the name of having the perfect child. Since that embyronic stage of legal abortion on demand there have been more and more abuses of babies that have crept into the system.

Can you imagine what it is like for a young mother-to-be, who has carried her baby for 9 months in the womb, and the child is ready to enter into the world. There is a problem, and the labour proper does not begin. She is sent home because she is not showing signs of commencing labour. Then she returns to the hospital and this time, when she is examined she is told that the baby's heart is weak? What procedure should have followed for this mother and infant to ensure the survival of the child? Caesarian section, right? Wrong answer. I agree that a thinking doctor and medical staff should have rushed that young mother off to emergency for a caesarian section. That is exactly what did not happen. The mother was told that her infant's heart was weak and he was allowed to die in the womb. Then on the following day the medical staff brought on the labour. The girl, husband and their respective families were devastated by the death of her first child, a little boy named Nathan. Did he have a disease? No. The autopsy showed that there was nothing wrong with Nathan. He was a perfect child. He was strangled in the womb by the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck. Nathan had struggled to survive and the doctor who made the decision to let him die showed no mercy towards this infant who is my great-nephew. This is the kind of misadventure that will continue to occur unless the abortionists are brought to heel and abortion on demand is made illegal once again. It will be allowed to continue because the abortion industry has caused doctors to disregard all possible means of ensuring a safe delivery for both baby in the womb and mother.

The issue of abortion is only the beginning, since the next step in the chain is that of euthanasia. It did not take long to discover that medical staff have taken it upon themselves to kill weak infants by smothering them to death. Once they have gotten away with that crime, it was not long before the medical staff were clamouring to be allowed to kill adults whom they considered too weak to continue to survive. This is the point where the Hippocratic Oath has gone out of the door. When doctors were required to take the Hippocratic Oath, they upheld the right for every human being to live. Now they clamour to kill those who are not able to fend for themselves.

There are several streams in the euthanasia debate because of the different categories for a comatose patient as well as those who are mentally incapable of looking after themselves. There is no doubt that if a patient is showing no signs of life, that is, there are no brainwaves, and that person is being kept artificially alive due to being attached to a machine, then a family has the right to make the decision to pull the plug and allow God to do the rest. However, no one should have the right to withdraw treatment and food from someone who is allegedly in a vegetative state unless all signs of life are non-existent. Allowing a dying patient to go peacefully is not a crime, yet on the other hand, if someone helps another person to commit suicide then that is a crime.

Voluntary euthanasia has been a hot topic for more than 20 years. There are people who are prepared to commit suicide for the cause of the Hemlock society, to have the right to "choose" when to die. They talk of death with dignity but they are unwilling to extend that same "dignity" to those who are considered to be amongst the "unfit to remain alive" category. This is the perception that we see in the Terri Schindler-Schiavo case. Someone - namely Michael Schiavo, Terri's "loving" husband - has decided that Terri must not be allowed to live, despite the fact that she had begun responding to the rehabilitation that she had received. In fact, Michael Schiavo has cut off his wife from all attempts to rehabilitate her so that she can function on her own. Does Michael Schiavo have something to hide from the law about Terri's condition?

Terri is severely disabled because oxygen was cut off from her brain for approximately 8-10 minutes. Michael Schiavo claims that Terri fell as she had a heart attack. The reason sounds plausible, except that Terri is not showing any signs of having a heart attack that has been brought on by low potassium levels in the blood. There is a division of opinion about what happened, yet a leading forensic pathologist in New York has stated that Terri showed signs of strangulation and that she lost the oxygen as she was being asphyxiated. The extent and extreme disability of Terri seems to indicate that she suffered an extremely severe trauma that put her into a coma in hospital.

Terri Schiavo is not alone in her fight to remain alive. When some of the decisions that have been made in this case are examined in the light of day, it is not difficult to see the subterfuge that is taking place in order to pave the way to kill others who are considered to be nothing more than non persons, or in the terminology of Scientology, those who have no right to exist because of their severe incapacities. There is another Florida case that deserves a better airing since the parents of the girl want to sue somebody for her wrongful death. The girl is Lisa McPherson. She died in mysterious circumstances. The "church" of Scientology were charged over her death, but some of the witnesses did not step forward. Lisa belonged to the Church of Scientology before her death. In fact she was on Scientology premises when she collapsed and was rushed to hospital. Lisa had a mental break down, and she was taken by other Scientologists to a place where she was held as a captive. She was put on the "run down" for death, and over a period of 7 days she very slowly dehydrated to death.

Who, more than any other group advocates that the mentally and physically disabled should be put down? The answer to this question can be found in the writings of Ron L. Hubbard. Is there a connection between the followers of Ron L. Hubbard and the people who are wanting to oversee the death of Terri Schiavo?


Maggie said...


Liberty to the Captives was one of my starting points in following up information on this case. You are right, to me there seems to be a connection.

However, the thought process involved goes beyond Scientology, especially where Dr. Death Cranford is concerned. There is a group of sub-humans known as bioethicists. Personally, I would not feed the majority of them because of the woeful way in which they push and handle a variety of issues.

I suppose that you have heard the name Peter Singer? This man believes it is more important to protect animals and trees than it is to protect vulnerable humans. I have seen some of his written work and opinions in Australian newspapers. He co-wrote some opinions on the abortion issues whilst he was bioethicist at Monash University.

One of the things that is highly irregular about Dr. Cranfield is the fact that he is both neurologist and bioethicist. What a horrifying combination when this man is allowed to decide who will live and who will die according to his not so ethical diagnoses.

Maggie said...


Dr. Cranford is a member of the Hemlock Society. He promotes the culture of death.

Like you I have been doing a lot of reading and have felt disgust over the things that I have discovered. Have you seen the autopsy photographs of Lisa McPherson? They give you an idea of what this woman went through at the hands of Scientology. They tell us a lot about how Theresa looked as she was slowly starving and dehydrating to death.

You are right that some people do get that thrill about seeing people dying. George Felos is one of them. I know someone who thinks that he has necromania. The person noticed that he seemed to be "charged" in his description of Theresa as looking beautiful as she was slowly disintegrating.

Stay tuned, I will have a lot more to say on this subject.

Maggie said...


my reality check on how Terri would have looked are those photographs of Lisa. Mr Schindler gave a fairly accurate description of her condition. What Felos said is an indication that he has the condition known as Necromania and that makes him a danger.

I would love to have a discussion with a psychotherapist about this man, for I would like to have an in depth analysis of possible motivation for him taking this extreme view. My own thought on the matter is that Felos is using vulnerable women to get back at his wife who abandoned and divorced him. I would also like to have a further discussion about Michael Schiavo since the reading that I have done to date has revealed a rather disturbing pattern in his lies and accusations against the Schindlers. I will be writing another piece based upon the transcript of the deposition of the malpractice trial.

Unknown said...

You are right on track Maggie and Jill. I know that most people do not like to paint with a brush as broadly as I do, but I believe Liberalism is the spiritual and ideological force that drives all that is anti-Christian. These doctors,Lawyers,judges,politicians and scientists use people like Michael Schiavo and Beth Gatty to further the culture of death that promotes the weakening of morality. When Liberal leaders make themselves the arbiters of life, they replace God in society.
When the world rejects God and becomes Godless, we as Christians will become outlaws and the book of Revelation becomes the epitaph of mankind.

Maggie said...

I think that we need to distinguish those who are liberals, from those who are libertarians. T am not sure where the ACLU fits into the picture. Yes we have an Australian equivalent who love to sound off about what they consider to be their moral right to accomplish.

I would not call the attitude that of a liberal (since there are some in that category who in fact believe that we must not starve and dehydrate people to death). I think that it is better to call them anarchists, and even go as far as calling them the successors of the Albigenses.

If we are going to present a united front to the world, so that we can halt this walk down the slippery slope, we need to resolve our religious and political differences so that we can walk side by side.

It is not just Christians who will be outlawed but will be those Jews who also believe in God, and who always try to do His Will.

When I hear people talk about the Godless I am reminded of the words in the Psalms and the Wisdom books that speak directly to the godless and the wicked (the term is interchangeable), and I am also reminded of the warnings in the books of the Prophets, especially Isaiah. We have now witnessed exactly what the prophet was told to say to Israel about her behaviour towards certain sectors of society. Israel was warned, the unjust judges and the rest took no notice of the warning. Then along came Jones (oops I meant Sennacharib), who beseiged and defeated Israel, taking the people into captivity.

We seem to forget about the vices of that period, as the world once again revels in the same kind of vices, including the killing of the innocent - the unborn and the more vulnerable members of our communities. I know feminists who get upset about the language in Isaiah because God castigates Israel in terms of being the harlot. There is special mention of the women who preen themselves and the fate that awaits those women.

During those previous times the cult of the body was on the rise. We now live in a time when the cult of the body seems to drive people too far. When that happens it is easy to sway people to accept a very selfish attitude towards living and dying.

I will have more to say on the subject and will cover it in another posting. If you go to my alternate site:


You will have an idea of my present focus. Over time I will post something relevant to the death of John Paul II, but for the time being I am still focussed upon ensuring that there is a water tight caste being built up against the rat fink with the name Schiavo.

Unknown said...

I understand and I respect your view on the liberal matter. However, From where I sit I see nothing from them but opposition to every Christian stance from Abortion to the validity of Christianity. 99% of them I have debated and read, view Catholics as they do Baptists. We are idiots and stand in the way of progress. Maybe it is wrong to color them so broadly. I just have no reason to trust them. I read the post about Liberal supporters of Terri. I however do not view it as anything more than an anomaly. Thanks for a great blog.
Yours is a favorite of mine.