Friday, January 23, 2009

The MSM & Co get it wrong about Teri again

After all this time one would think that politicians and the MSM would try to get it right concerning the circumstances of Teri Schiavo's disability. What is really disturbing is that there are politicians and MSM who continue to claim that it was morally right to starve and dehydrate this woman to death - even though she was not dying at the time.

This time the controversy surrounds a bronze award to a member of Dobson's Family Institute because he opposed a person who represented the scum known as Michael Schiavo:

Olbermann rehashed the "far right" end of the Terri Schiavo controversy on the January 6 edition of Countdown, awarding the bronze (or "Worse" person in the world) to the Dobsonian theocrats:

The bronze tonight to Tom McCluskey, vice president of James Dobson‘s lobbying outfit Family Research Council, protesting the nomination of Thomas Perrelli by the president-elect to become the number three man at the Justice Department. Why? Because Perrelli was one of the lawyers who represented Michael Schiavo as he tried to end the Gothic nightmare induced by the far right, as he struggled to have a court order enforced to remove the breathing tube from his wife, Terri, whose brain function has ceased.

The careers of Senate Majority Bill Frist and his House counter-part Tom Delay crashed in large part because they took this private tragedy into Congress and exploited it politically, even as 70 percent of this country told them to stop their cynical manipulation of this beleaguered family. Now these Dobsonian theocrats are protesting an appointment at the Justice Department because the man was on the morally and legally correct side of the debate.

I doubt that the careers of either politician went down the tube just because of this controversy. There were other issues involved, but hey let's just give the continued false impression about the thoughts of a nation that has been so misled by a mainstream media that is at the beck and call of the euthanasia enthusiasts. Let's just forget about the fact that this case concerned a woman who had a severe brain injury, and let's just forget that her adulterous husband refused to allow her to have physiotherapy. Everything that would have allowed her to gain some freedom and independence was denied to her because this adulterous man wanted her dead.

It is also forgotten by these people that there is a shadow cast over how Teri ended up in this particular state. No one has bothered to completely investigate all of the circumstances. Instead investigations have been stymied by Schiavo supporters. Why? I can give it a guess as to why there is such an effort - it is because this case was seen as a watershed that would allow others to legally murder their spouses, partners or so-called loved ones.

As an example, after Teri was legally murdered through dehydration and starvation there was a case involving a little girl who had been bashed by her step-father. The mother of the child was willing to kill her and asked the state to intervene. The step-father, the one who bashed her, fought to save her life. The initial judgement went against Hayley Poultre's life, but the death sentence was not carried out. Why? First of all, no one had given young Hayley enough time to come out of her coma. Instead of giving a prognosis of revival the doctors had been too keen to give up on the child. Second, Hayley stunned everybody by coming out of the coma. Her stepfather's later actions saved her from going through a most excruciating death.

The MSM has done everyone a very big disservice because of their support of an adulterous, and abusive husband. If any of the reporters had bothered to get off their backsides and do investigative journalism, and by that I mean investigating all of the circumstances surrounding the collapse of Teri Schindler-Schiavo, instead of being so lazy that they accepted without question what they were being told, then they should have been on the side of a woman who was the victim of abuse by her adulterous and abusive husband.

So let's give a bronze cheer to Olbermann for being the worst of the worst due to his ignorance regarding the Schiavo case.